SESQUI Celebration
Web Links
• About Dr. Daniels

Crystal Lake in located in
Benzie County in
northwestern lower
Michigan, USA.

(Click on the map to see Benzie
County on Google Maps.)

SESQUI Celebration
Web Links
• About Dr. Daniels
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See the complement to this site –
The Comedy of Crystal Lake.
It's a book all about the 1873
lowering of Crystal Lake and a
biography of Archibald Jones, the
man behind the operation.

Historical Reflections and Current Perspectives of Crystal Lake,
Its Watershed, and Benzie County, Michigan

As compiled by Dr. Stacy Leroy Daniels, a humble saunterer and
"President pro tem , the Benzie County River Improvement Company, Est. 1873"

The following "Crystalana Journal Issues" and Additional Resources below are intended to complement and supplement two published texts: "The Comedy of Crystal Lake" (2015), a 496-page book; and its classic prequel, "The Tragedy of Crystal Lake" (1922), a 17-page pamphlet.

Crystalana Journal Issues

Each issue contains two short feature articles: a Historical
Reflection and a Current Perspective, supported by brief
commentaries on People, Places, Phenomena, and Potpourri
encountered across the greater Crystal Lake Watershed.
Subjects are presented in journal format.

• Volume 2, No. 3 (10-page PDF, 844 kB). Featured articles:
– Synopsis of the “Tragi-Comedy" of Crystal Lake
– Consequences of the “The Tragi-Comedy" of Crystal Lake
• Volume 1, No. 6 (10-page PDF, 696 kB). Featured articles:
– Travels Though the Northwestern Regions of the United States
– The Surveyors Arrive
• Volume 1, No. 5 (11-page PDF, 652 kB). Featured articles:
– The Tragedy of Crystal Lake
– The “Tragedy” / “Comedy” of Crystal Lake in Retrospect
• Volume 1, No. 4 (10-page PDF, 600 kB). Featured articles:
– A Brood of Lakelets
– River Improvements and Harbors of Refuge
• Volume 1, No. 3 (9-page PDF, 536 kB). Featured articles:
– The Creation of “Crystalana”
– The Lay of the Land; the Lap of the Water
• Volume 1, No. 2 (9-page PDF, 564 kB). Featured articles:
–"The Benzie Book"
Crystal Lake — Commonality and Uniquity
• Volume 1, No. 1 (8-page PDF, 496 kB). Featured articles:
– "Crystalana"
– A Prospectus for "Crystalana"

Additional Resources about Crystal Lake and Archibald Jones:
More about Crystal Lake
•  A Map; A Plan; A Canal; a Beach —
The “Tragedy” / “Comedy” of
Crystal Lake!
•  Getting Around To Crystal
Lake, thanks to A. Jones
•  Historical Site Marker

The Ballad of Archibald Jones
Song & lyrics © 2010 by Doc Stuart
  • MP3 file (audio),
• The Ballad of Archibald Jones – A live
   performance by "Doc" Stuart Shapiro
   [MP4 file, 9/4/2023, 4:23, 316 mB]

• Lyrics (PDF document)
More about Archibald Jones
•  A Benzie County Heritage — a one-hour
video overview on the lowering of Crystal
Lake and the role of Archibald Jones,
presented August 24, 2012.
•  Archibald Jones Business Card
•  The 2023 Sesquicentennial Celebration
•  The “Tragedy” / “Comedy”
of Crystal Lake, and the
role of Archibald Jones

Related Information
•  News and Past Events
•  Presentations by Dr. Daniels
•  Publications by Dr. Daniels

We invite you to share links with us — see this letter for details.

Web Site © Copyright 2018-2024 by Dr. Stacy L. Daniels
ATI Consulting. All rights reserved.